Morning Prayer

For all have sinned, and come

short of the glory of God; Being

justified freely by his grace

through the redemption that is in

Christ Jesus:

From: Romans 3:23-24


Most will admit that all are sinners,

that no one is perfect. But the

problem that often arises in

sharing this news is that many

men do not see it as a great 

problem that they are sinners. But

as our sins, Paul tells us, merit the

"wages" of death, we see that sin is

much mnore serious than most realize.


Lord God, our sins have made a

breach between us and you, an gulf

or chasm that is too vast for any

man to build a bridge over. But

your grace, through the blood of

the Redeemer, has made a way for

us. Teach us to hate our sin more

and love you more with each

passing day. Amen.
