Morning Prayer

For this is the will of God, even

your sanctification, that ye should

abstain from fornication:

From: 1 Thessalonians 4:3


Many times, we wonder, "What is

God's will for me? " Here, God tells

us. It is his will that we be

sanctified, meaning "made holy"

or"set apart" from the filth and

corruption that is in the world

through lust. (2 Peter 1:4) And one

major area of sanctification Paul

mentions, fornication, because it is

so prevalent and so degrading.


Lord God, we do not always know

what your will is as to each path or

decision of life. But we always

know that your will is for us to be

holy even as you are holy. Sanctify

us through your Word, which is

truth. (John 17:17) Keep us

unspotted from the world in

regard to sexual sin and all other

sins. Amen.
