From whom the whole body fitly

joined together and compacted by

that which every joint supplieth,

according to the effectual working

in the measure of every part,

maketh increase of the body unto

the edifying of itself in love.

From: Ephesians 4:16


The Church of God is compared to

a human body, having many parts

that all work together for a

common purpose and are all under

the control of the same head, that

is, of Christ. All members of this

spiritual body ought edify each

other out of genuine love. That

means being a positive influence

by promoting that which serves to

build us up in Christ, and doing it

out of love for those we minister



O Head of the Church, which is

your body, use each one of us, we

pray, to edify one another. You

would have us love one another;

and if we truly love you, we know

we will also you our brothers and

sisters in Christ. Give us wisdom to

know how to help each other to

live more consistently for you.

