But if from thence thou shalt seek

the LORD thy God, thou shalt find

him, if thou seek him with all thy

heart and with all thy soul.

From: Deuteronomy 4:29


God warned Israel through Moses

that they would be scattered

among the nations, taken far away

from the land of promise, if they

rose up in rebellion against

Jehovah and served other gods. But

God also gave them the promise

that, if they would truly seek him

with all their heart, even from the

very ends of the earth, He would

hear and forgive and bring them

back again to their land.


o hearer of the prayers of the

penitant, we know that you are

always found of those who seek

you, if they truly seek you with all

of their heart. We know there is no

depth of sin you cannot rescue us

from and no dismal condition of

life that you cannot save us out of.

Let us always call on you early,

fervently, and truly, no matter

what is in our past or where we are

today. Amen.
