And the very God of peace sanctify

you wholly; and I pray God your

whole spirit and soul and body be

preserved blameless unto the

coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

From: 1 Thessalonians 5:23


Paul here tells the Thessalonians

believers that their whole persons

and, thus, their whole lives must

be made holy before God. Their

spirits, that is, the higher nature in

man (his mind and that which

relates to God); their souls, that is,

their lower natures (emotions and

the mind's connection to physical

senses and desires); and even their

bodies, though purely physical and

mere "tents" that their immaterial

part live in, must all be sanctified.


O Lord, there is no aspect of our

inner self that should not be

subject to your standards of

holiness. Our minds, hearts, wills,

consciences, desires, and even

physical bodies must all bow to

your Lordship. We must give an

account of all we did in the body to

you before the Judgment seat of

Christ. Let us then live soberly and

seek to be holy in our whole

persons and lives. Amen.
