Know ye not, that so many of us as

were baptized into Jesus Christ

were baptized into his death?

From: Romans 6:3


The ritual of baptism symbolizes

the dying to sin and the rising

again in newness of life to serve

our God. But as we are "in Christ, "

who died to put away our sins once

and for all and then rose in

glorious and eternal victdory, we

can be said to "die and rise with

Him, "


Help us, O Lord, to regard

ourselves as dead to sin and to

actively crucify our sinful lusts

each and every day. It is not fitting

that we who have died to sin

should walk any longer therein.

Change our attitudes and our

values. Help us reorder our

priorities so that we always put

holiness ahead of convenience and

your glory ahead of our own

pleasure. Amen.
