But God forbid that I should glory,

save in the cross of our Lord Jesus

Christ, by whom the world is

crucified unto me, and I unto the


From: Galatians 6:14


When we come to love the Lor

Jesus Christ in truth, we becom

dead to the world and the worl

dead to us. The ways of the worl

no longer attract us, in our heart o

hearts and new nature, at least

and the world has no love for wha

we are: Christ followers.


Lord Jesus, your cross brings

division in the world, between

those who would follow you and

those who run still after the world,

the flesh, and the Devil. Crucify our

carnal, sinful desires, taking out

the stony heart and putting in its

place a heart of flesh, sensitive to

your leading. Let us say, "I have

decided to follow Jesus, no turning

back, "regardless of how the world

may react. Amen.
