I make a decree, That in every

dominion of my kingdom men

tremble and fear before the God of

Daniel: for he is the living God, and

stedfast for ever, and his kingdom

that which shall not be destroyed,

and his dominion shall be even

unto the end. He delivereth and

rescueth, and he worketh signs

and wonders in heaven and in

earth, who hath delivered Daniel

from the power of the lions.

From: Daniel 6:26-27


God's miraculous deliverance o

Daniel from the lions in the lions

den where he had been cast fo

worshipping the true God opene

Nebuchadnezzar's eyes to whos

God was God. And he even issued 

decree that all men in his vas

kingdom give homage to the Go

of Daniel. Daniel's faith and refusa

to cease his regular daily devotion

had resulted in the knowledge o

God being spread throughout th



Let us not, O Lord, underestimate

what you can do in us and through

us. We do not know all of your

purposes for us, but we know that

nothing is too hard for you to do.

We pray for the steadfastness of

soul to continue to pursue

knowing you even in the face of

resistance and the faith to believe

that your Word planted deep in us

can strengthen us for even the

most difficult tasks. Amen.
