For the Lamb which is in the midst

of the throne shall feed them, and

shall lead them unto living

fountains of waters: and God shall

wipe away all tears from their eyes.

From: Revelation 7:17


Weeping may last for a night, but

joy comes in the morning. (Psalm

30:5) God's children may have

sorrow and tribulation in this

world for what, in the light of

eternity, will be but a brief

moment, but they will find

everlasting joy. Heaven will be a

place without tears.


O Comforter of our souls, you are

he who will wipe away all tears

from our eyes. We may weep here

for lost loved ones, but we will

meet them again if they died in

Christ. We may weep now for pain

and misery that come upon us, but

it will all pass away. We may feel

sorrow for a host of things on

earth, but in Heaven, we will find

only joy. O prepare us for that

place and let our eternal hope

make present troubles easier to

bear. Amen.
