With my soul have I desired thee in

the night; yea, with my spirit

within me will I seek thee early: for

when thy judgments are in the

earth, the inhabitants of the world

will learn righteousness.

From: Isaiah 26:9


Our desires should move to

focusing on God and his goodness.

God's love pours out on us every

second, and when we realize this,

it stirs up a hunger within us to

know him more. This is why Isaiah

could cry out the way he did- he

had an idea of God's goodness. But

we, who are in Christ know, have

an even better understanding of

the goodness of the Lord, and this

should move us to want more of

him in our lives.


Dear God, I desire to know and

have more of you in my life. There

is nowhere else where I can find

your goodness, your love, and your

faithfulness. I pray that all those

who have not come to the

knowledge of your goodness, Lord,

will be able to receive the

revelation too. In Jesus' name, I

pray. Amen.
