But now we are delivered from the

law, that being dead wherein we

were held; that we should serve in

newness of spirit, and not in the

oldness of the letter.

From: Romans 7:6


The Law of God is good, perfect

and righteous altogether. But du

to the inability of man to keep it

its judgment becomes as a curse

To try to follow the Law externall

with an unrenewed spirit wil

prove futile and worthless in th

end. But to serve God in newnes

of spirit will yield joy of soul an

eternal glory to God.


O Renewer of spirits, you alone can

make us to keep your Law not

merely in "the letter" but from the

heart with "newness of spirit.

You are the Potter, we but the clay.

Use us for your glory, fill us with

your love, and cause us to overflow

with joy unspeakable and full of

glory. Amen.
