But his delight is in the law of the

LORD; and in his law doth he

meditate day and night.

From: Psalms 1:2


As a Christian, you have been

called to live a higher life - a life of

holiness and righteousness. Stick

to the Word of God and make sure

that you apply it in every part of

your life. There is no joy walking in

disobedience; remember who you

are in Jesus Christ and continue to

focus on Him. Pray for those you

know who are walking in

disobedience and make an effort to

preach to them.


Dear God, I put my trust in you and

you alone. May my life be an

expression of your love, your

holiness, and your righteousness. I

pray that I will remain focused on

your Word, Lord, because in your

Word there is life. Thank you, Lord,

for keeping me and helping me in

times where I am tempted to go

astray. In Jesus' name, I pray.

