He is in the way of life that keepeth

instruction: but he that refuseth

reproof erreth.

From: Proverbs 10:17


Correction, also known as

instruction, is a key part of our

lives. We will never know

everything and there will always

be people who will know better

than we do. It is best for us to be

humble in moments where we

have gone wrong, and

acknowledge the correction we

need in order to make our errors

right. If we choose to be proud,

and adopt a know-it-all demeanor,

we are only hurting ourselves.


Dear God, I know that there will be

times in my life where I will make

a number of mistakes. There will

be times where the decisions I

thought were right, will actually be

wrong. Father, I ask for help to

remain humble so that I can take

correction from those around me

May I be one to act on the

correction I receive, so that I can

avoid any unnecessary

consequernces. This I pray, in Jesus'

name. Amen.
