If we confess our sins, he is faithful

and just to forgive us our sins, and

to cleanse us from all


From: 1 John 1:9


Sometimes people tend to take

God's love and everlasting mnercy

as a way for them to continue

living irresponsibly. When they are

confronted about their actions,

their response is "God loves me for

who I am. " Yes, he does, but our

love for Him should compel us to

be convicted of our sins and

confess them to him. God won't

hold our sins against us; he is quick

to forgive and swift to restore.


Dear God, once again I would like

to thank you for your endless love

and everlasting mercy. Father, I

am sorry for any time I have taken

you or your love for granted. If

there has ever been a time where I

tried to use the grace you have

given so freely as an excuse to live

irresponsibly, I humbly confess

where I have erred, and I receive

your forgiveness. In Jesus' nanme, I

pray. Amen.
