Not that I speak in respect of want:

for I have learned, in whatsoever

state I am, therewith to be content.

From: Philippians 4:11


When we reach a point of

contentment, we are not moved by

what another person does or does

not have. Contentment prevents us

from defining ourselves according

to the world's values. We become

content through God, in whom we

know we have everything we need.

Eternal life, being the most

important of it all.


Dear God, I thank you that I can be

totally content in you. You have

filled all the gaps and voids in my

life. I know that I will never find

contentment in this world; only in

you and you alone. I pray that

more and more of your children

will come to realize this too, Lord.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
