A bruised reed shall he not break,

and the smoking flax shall he not

quench: he shall bring forth

judgment unto truth. He shall not

fail nor be discouraged, till he have

set judgment in the earth: and the

isles shall wait for his law.

From: Isaiah 42:3-4


Hundreds of years before Jesus was

born, He was prophesied about.

That He would restore and bring

life not break and ruin. That he

would bring forth judgment on the

Earth, and people everywhere

across the oceans would listen to

what He had to say. Now

thousands of years later, people all

over the Earth still listen to what

Jesus has to say. Jesus is glorified

through all history. People on

every continent and in every

country listen for His voice and

read His Word.


Father God, You sent Your son to

the world to save us. He was with

you in the beginning. People

everywhere listen to His words.

Jesus is amazing and true. Thank

You for Your goodness, and that

You build up and care for the

weak. Help Your Church that is

scattered all over the Earth. Unite

us, Your Bride. Help us to glorify

you and to proclaim Your gospel to

the nations. In Jesus' name. Amen.
