And when they had preached the

gospel to that city, and had taught

many, they returned again to

Lystra, and to Iconium, and

Antioch, Confirming the souls of

the disciples, and exhorting them

to continue in the faith, and that

we must through much tribulation

enter into the kingdom of God.

From: Acts 14:21-22


Sometimes we grow weary as

believers. Walking the road of faith

gets hard. Other times it gets

mundane. Sometimes doubt creeps

in. We may even allow sin to fester

in our lives and lead us to

complacency and ceasing to listen

to the Holy Spirit. But as believers,

we can encourage our brothers

and sisters to continue in the faith.

Sometimes all someone needs is a

reminder, encouragement, and



Heavenly Father, help my brothers

and sisters. Give them strength

and endurance to continue in the

faith You called them to. Place

people in their lives to encourage

them. Bring them to a deeper love

for You. Make them to feel Your

presence this week. Let them

remember why they first loved

You. You are our great love. You

are the worthiest of our love. You

are worthy of more than we can

give. In Jesus' name. Amen.
