He first findeth his own brother

Simon, and saith unto him, We

have found the Messias, which is,

being interpreted, the Christ. And

he brought him to Jesus. And when

Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art

Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt

be called Cephas, which is by

interpretation, A stone.

From: John 1:41-42


The first thing Andrew did when

He found out Jesus was the Christ

was to go tell his brother. Andrew

went and got Peter and brought

him to Jesus. Andrew could have

been scoffed at or rejected by Peter

if Peter did not believe Jesus was

the Christ; yet, Andrew took him to

Jesus anyways, and I'm sure he was

glad he did. You have Jesus, and

you love Him. Have you tried to

bring your family to Him?

Knowing Jesus is the only way to

eternal life, wouldn't you want to

try your best to introduce Him to

your grandparents, mother, father,

brothers, sisters, and cousins?


Heavenly Father, give me strength

and courage to introduce You to

my family. They need You. I want

to speak to them about You. Help

me to tell them about You well.

Help me to answer questions they

have and to try to find them the

answers I don't know. Soften their

hearts. Only You can bring them to

You, so please do so. In Jesus'

name. Amen.
