Cast me not off in the time of old

age; forsake me not when my

strength faileth.

From: Psalms 71:9


The first and second greatest

commandments are to love God

and love your neighbor as your

self. It is not Christ-like to forget

and neglect the elderly. If our

neighbor is old, and we do not help

them when they need help, how is

that loving? When our own kin

grow old, how can we love them

the way Christ loves the Church?

The people who are old are the

ones who cared for us when we

were young and helpless. It is our

duty to care for them when they

are old.


Lord, I pray for the older people

who do not know You. I pray they

will find Your love and joy. Let

them lean on You for strength and

understanding. Help them to smile

and live out the remainder of their

days for You. Get them the word if

they don't have access to it. Bring

Christians into their lives to speak

life into them. You are the God

who cares for the young and old,

weak and strong, rich and poor.

Bless our elderly and help us honor

them. In Jesus' name. Amen.
