Now also when I am old and

grayheaded, O God, forsake me

not; until I have shewed thy

strength unto this generation, and

thy power to every one that is to


From: Psalms 71:18


The writer of this Psalm

desperately wanted God to show

His strength through him, an old

man. He wanted everyone to know

God's power. As we grow old, we

can still show God's strength. As

we become weaker, we can

proclaim how strong He is. Do not

lose heart as you grow old. The

retired missionary now goes door

to door to preach even though he's

walking slowly. The woman who

started doing jail ministry long ago

is often decades later faithfully

visiting the jail. Whatever God is

calling you to, God is greater than

your age.


Lord, as I grow old, let me still

serve You faithfully. When I'm

weak, help me to show others Your

strength. Through wrinkles, let

others see the joy on my face that

comes only from You. Even if I'm

moving slowly, let me still move

for You. I will gladly do Your will

until my last breath. If I'm on this

earth, You have me here for a

reason. I will continue to live for

You. In Jesus' name. Amen.
