Thou in thy mercy hast led forth

the people which thou hast

redeemed: thou hast guided them

in thy strength unto thy holy


From: Exodus 15:13


Do you ever struggle with knowing

where to go or what to do? You are

not alone. It is common to feel

unsure of what path to take, but

the Bible is clear that God will

guide those he has redeemed. In

Exodus, God led the Israelites out

of Egypt to the promised land. Like

the Israelites, God leads us where

he has called us. When we place

Our trust in our redeemer, we will

be led by him. Through

redemption, we will one day enter

into his holy kingdom.


Dear God, you have a special plan

for my life. Help me to trust you to

guide me where you want me to

go. I am choosing to place my trust

in you, My Redeemer. I know my

eternal home is with you, but

while I am on earth, please lead

me. Give me discernment to see

which path to take and how to

serve you. Help me to depend on

your strength to go where I am

called. Thank you for your

unfailing love and mercy. In Jesus'

name, amen.
