And beside this, giving all

diligence, add to your faith virtue;

and to virtue knowledge; And to

knowledge temperance; and to

temperance patience; and to

patience godliness; And to

godliness brotherly kindness; and

to brotherly kindness charity.

From: 2 Peter 1:5-7


Faith is a gift from God, but it is

also a thing that we are called to

diligently work at and improve. In

fact, these verses on diligence are

further informed by verse 10 of the

same chapter where our diligence

is said to be the means of making

"our calling and election sure.

That is, when faith, virtue (moral

fortitude), knowledge (gained

through experience), self-control,

patient endurance, godliness,

brotherly kindness, and love

abound in our lives, it is fruit of

righteousness that helps assure

our hearts that indeed we are

God's children and will enter his

everlasting kingdom (verse 11).


Lord, we take seriously your

command to strive diligently after

godliness and all Christian virtues

in our daily walk. We know that

you do not desire our faith to

remain "'alone, " but that it should

be accomnpanied by all Christian

graces. We are encouraged to

know that you will help us and

guide us as we grow in all of these

areas, step by step. Amen.
