Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our

infirmities: for we know not what

we should pray for as we ought:

but the Spirit itself maketh

intercession for us with groanings

which cannot be uttered. And he

that searcheth the hearts knoweth

what is the mind of the Spirit,

because he maketh intercession for

the saints according to the will of


From: Romans 8:26-27


The Holy Spirit is also there to help

us in times of weakness. There are

times where we will not know

what to say or how to pray. But we

can rely on the Holy Spirit and ask

Him to help speak for us when we

are unable to find the words. He

will surely help us and we will find

comfort in that mnoment of need.


Dear God, I thank you that I can

truly rely on and depend on you.

Lord, in your word you promised

that the Holy Spirit would be our

Counselor and Comforter and I

thank you Father that you have

made this come to pass in my life.

Holy Spirit, I ask that in times

where I am at a loss for words, may

you supply me with the words I

need to say and the strength to

endure as well. In Jesus' name, I

pray. Amen.
