Moreover, brethren, I declare unto

you the gospel which I preached

unto you, which also ye have

received, and wherein ye stand;

From: 1 Corinthians 15:1


We are to declare the gospel to

anyone and everyone we can

because it is in the gospel that one

can find life. We aren't to be selfish

with our salvation. It is a gift for all

and it is our responsibility, as

children of God, to ensure that all

are able to come to the knowledge

of God and become saved.


Dear God, I ask that in every

situation that I amn in, may I find a

way to preach your gospel to the

people around me. May you supply

me with the right words to say so

that as the people hear, they will

be moved to start a relationship

with your Son, Jesus Christ. In

Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
